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Spot's Tips & Tricks for Small Accidents

In The Event of Small Emergencies

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In the Event of Major Mishaps, CALL CCS, your local floorcare specialist for suggested remedy and action until help arrives. 

1) Keep a first aid kit for carpets handy consisting of: 
  • Laundry detergent- Liquid and granular(dry) 

  • Oxygen bleach (do not use chlorine bleach!)

  • Grease solvent- dry cleaning fluid or spot remover

  • Nail polish remover

  • Rubbing alcohol

2) Act fast

Scrape or blot up all excess spill or blemish. 

3) Pre-Treat

When water is called for, use only lukewarm to avoid setting stain.

Greasy spills

Sponge gently with grease solvent or apply granular (dry) detergent.

Non-greasy spills

Sponge with solution of one teaspoon liquid detergent to one cup water. Do not use soap. 

Animal Stains

Sponge freely with cold water. Apply solution of three tablespoons white vinegar to one quart water. Sponge with detergent suds and rinse. 

Note: How to sponge
  • Work lightly.

  • Work from center. 

  • “Feather” area by sponging edges irregularly. 

  • Blot damp/dry quickly to avoid rings.

Typical Emergencies & Treatment

Candle Wax

Scrape off excess wax with dull knife. Sponge spot with grease solvent. If the spot remains, use oxygen bleach. Sponge thoroughly with clear water. 

Cigarette Burns

Can be partially remedied by clipping off blackened ends with sharp scissors, then working in detergent solution and sensing well. 

Fingernail Polish

Sponge with acetone or nail polish remover. Blot up color and repeat as often as necessary.


Same method used for crayon. Or sponge with alcohol diluted with two parts water. 

Ice Cream/Chocolate

Sponge freely with cool water. Work detergent suds into spot. Rinse. Treat with oxygen bleach if necessary. Rinse well.


Rub liquid or granular detergent into dampened stain. Rinse and repeat until the outline is gone. Treat with oxygen bleach if necessary. Rinse well. 


Sponge with solution of ¼ cup salt to quart of lukewarm water. Wash with detergent suds. Rinse well.


Sponge with thinner recommended on can or turpentine until paint disappears. Work full strength detergent into stain, then rinse well. Repeat if necessary. 

Soft Drinks

Sponge immediately with cool water. Work liquid detergent into stain, then rinse. Apply oxygen bleach if necessary. Rinse well.


Sponge with turpentine. Work in full strength detergent solution and rinse thoroughly.

Car Grease

Apply cooking oil sparingly and let stand for 15 minutes. Blot up excess oil and sponge with grease solvent. 


Sponge with grease solvent first. Then sponge with detergent suds. If stain remains, use oxygen bleach and rinse thoroughly. 

Fruit/Berry Juice

Sponge immediately with cool water. If stain remains, use oxygen bleach. Rinse well.


Sponge with grease solvent. Work liquid or granular detergent into spot. Rinse Thoroughly. 

Permanent Marker

Can not be completely removed by spotting. Minimize stains by flushing with cool water and blotting. 


Same method used for fruit/berry juice. Sponge immediately with cool water. If stain remains, use oxygen bleach. Rinse well.


Rub full strength detergent into stain and rinse. Repeat and use oxygen bleach is stain persist. Rinse well.

Rubber Cement

Scrape off gummy excess carefully to avoid damaging fibers, then sponge thoroughly with grease solvent and rinse. 

Shoe Polish​

Treat with grease solvent. Blot and sponge with detergent suds. Rinse well and repeat if necessary.


Must be treated before spot dries to be successfully removed. Sponge repeatedly with cool water. Work liquid detergent into stain and rinse thoroughly. If still discolored, sponge with white vinegar and let stand for fifteen minutes before rinsing or cover with table salt and leave overnight. 


Sponge with cool water. If stain remains, work detergent suds into fabric, then rise. If stain remains, use oxygen bleach and rinse thoroughly. 


Moisten spot and rub in full strength liquid or granular detergent. Repeat if necessary. If the color remains, use oxygen bleach. Rinse well. 

Glue (Elmers)

Blot with warm water, sponge with detergent suds. Epoxy, contact, animal base, ect. Treat with solvent or thinner recommended on container. Blot up excess. Rinse Well. 


Harden gum with ice, then scrape it off with dull knife. Sponge with grease solvent. Rinse well. 


Sponge with grease solvent or turpentine. Work detergent suds into stain. Rinse well. 


Let dry, then brush. Rinse repeatedly with cool water. 


With either lubricating or cooking oil, use the same method used for grease cleaning. 


Usually require professional cleaning service for removal, but fresh stains can be helped by working detergent solution into spot and rinsing with lukewarm water.

Shoe Dye

Sponge and blot repeatedly with cool water: call your CCS Specialist. 


Same method used for mucus. Sponge with solution of ¼ cup salt to quart of lukewarm water. Wash with detergent suds. Rinse well.

Note: Dry carpet as completely as possible immediately after spotting to avoid other damage, especially mildew. Raise dampened area off floor when possible to improve circulation. Direct stream of air from fan, vacuum cleaner, or hair dryer to hasten drying


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Tel. 850-265-4204
2145 Mound Avenue
Panama City, FL 32405


Monday - 8:00am-4:30pm

Tuesday 8:00am-4:30pm

Wednesday 8:00am-4:30pm

Thursday 8:00am-4:30pm

Friday - 8:00am-4:30pm

Saturday - 8:00am-4:30pm

Sunday - CLOSED



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